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Ole Platform’s response to the Coronavirus (Covid19) pandemic:

We’ll get through this together.

As we continue to monitor the rapidly evolving situation around the coronavirus (COVID-19), our first thought is for the safety and well-being of all individuals and businesses negatively impacted. In these unprecedented times, we must come together to support all those impacted.

You can count on us to continue to do our best in serving you and keeping you informed. We have set up all the measures to ensure the continuity of your business and the availability of our services:

  • We have set up remote working wherever possible.
  • All contact center and support helplines are available as per normal operating hours. You can contact our customer support from Mondays to Fridays 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) at +1 626 295 2620 for your concerns regarding any Ole Platform accounts

We ask you to be on the lookout for a suspicious email and text messages that asks you to share sensitive information such as username and password, or ones that may impersonate a company, charity or government agency. Ole Platform will never ask you for your personal information or log-in credentials in an email or text message.

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